Tuesday, August 29, 2017


                         ~By Angeline M Duran Santiago

Sometimes we find ourselves in situations we don't understand. "Lord, why? Why this? How could you have allowed this to happen?" We find ourselves waiting on the Lord to bring into the Light what has been foolishly and with evil done in the dark. Our heart is heavy because we harbor truths in our hearts that we cannot share and can only pray about. We keep secrets that have been shared with us and we can only take that person's pain and hardship before the Lord until God, and God alone can alter the situation and bring a breakthrough. It is God, and God alone that can open or close the doors that are needed to be open or closed. It is He who can break what has to be broken and heal what needs to be completely healed and renewed.

We find ourselves in a place, a hard place where the only one we can bring our story to is Father God. He alone can be trusted because most everyone else has failed. We can take our cares to others, hoping for a Word from the Lord, and it's so sad to see how many times, even those who we know and have seen to be the vessels of the Lord can still only supply us with with confusing messages and leave us more confused and yearning for truth, God's truth.

It is here in that place where I cannot speak and I have to keep things between God and my heart that praise, praise that comes from my hurts, my need for God's presence, a praise that is a cry like no other cry, comes out and praises the God of my heart. I acknowledge His greatness and His power because I know that this is just one more situation and one more battle that He alone, YES, God alone can take on. I know when to be still and recognize His Sovereignty. I also know when it is time to shout and give Him my praise, even if with just my heart when everyone is sleeping.

Praise is my weapon! Praise is Your weapon! Praise is mighty when we are praising the Lord!

Praise brings down the enemy and brings down the walls built around us to keep us trapped in confusion, in doubt, in trouble and without help. Praise confuses the enemy who thinks we will lay down and weep and feel abandoned. Praise invites Holy Spirit to come into my life and into my home and begin to move around with freedom. Praise, praise that comes from within, with joy and confidence changes my sadness and removes the anger, it replaces it with joy and peace in my mind. 

God abides in our praise and visits us ready to join us in battle.

Praise is my weapon. I sing and the plan and work of the enemy is shaken. I dance and the presence of darkness and all dark principalities know I will not be broken and removed from my faith and hope in Christ. I praise God and enter a place of worship where He is my everything and all I want is Him. All I need is the Lord. He prepares my hands to war. The Word of God, my Sword, moves in my life and gives me a shout of victory. He moves in my life and gives me strength I didn't have. He takes care of my situation when I decide to surrender it all to Him.

You don't know my life and I don't know yours. But, if you are facing some hard moments in your life, do not become discouraged. Don't turn it into a pity party and decide you want to die. No! You have to get up and begin to speak to the situation in your life. Speak to the circumstances that are hard in your life, in your body, in your home, at your workplace, in your ministry and in your church. Speak to those things with authority and begin to surrender them to the Lord. 

Begin to acknowledge the Lord God Almighty and Praise Him. Brothers and Sisters, something happens when you say,
"I will enter His gates with thanksgiving!" You don't need to be in church to enter into His presence. You can worship God in your bedroom. You can praise Him while you're cooking. You can cry out to Him while you're in the shower. God is not into appointments. He is available. He is attentive to your heart's cry. Let praise be your weapon today and tomorrow. Praise Him through it all!

Something will happen in your environment when you invite God into your life. The atmosphere is about to change the moment you turn up the praise that comes from your heart and bless the Lord.

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