Written By Angeline M Duran Santiago

 I’m here in this apartment and I look around. It’s an old house. There are many places that need repair and other places where cosmetic changes would make a positive difference.

We would have to talk to the landlord, who owns this building, to consider investing financially on needed repairs. For some, we’ve done so already and truth is he’s not really looking into humoring us with changes we feel necessary. If he doesn’t think they’re truly important, they will go, (he has promised) at the top of his list. It's his house. His house therefore, he should be concerned about what needs fixing.

This building has stood the test of time through storms and flooding. This house was once beautiful and could be again, if the owner would honor it by lovingly walking through it, examining it and working to meet the many needs so apparently obvious.

Artwork by Angeline M Duran Santiago
Aren’t you happy that God is not like a landlord? Aren’t you happy that you and I can approach our maker and present ourselves as a house, no matter the condition, and place ourselves in his hands? It's time to rebuild our house. Isn’t it a hope that keeps us going to know that we are a house, once beautiful and without blemish, and then life comes with storms, breakdowns, hardships and misuse. 

Yet, with all the abandonment, rips, and broken down condition, the Master Builder (who created us in the first place and has the original blue prints of our lives) stands up and says, “Oh, I see what’s going on inside of you and yes, we can most definitely do some upgrade here.”

If you’re like me, you’re rejoicing with the fact that God can take what’s old and renew it. He can take what a landlord will ignore, and say, “Hmmm, possibilities here.” God can take even a house that has gone through the fire and say, “Finally, shining like gold.” My landlord is not going to go out of his way to make any improvements I think this apartment needs,  but God, God gets in there, right away and beings to restore, renovate, polish and strengthen. He's not afraid to get his hands dirty when it comes to the condition our lives are in.

For this I am grateful. I am in the Potter’s Hands like clay that can be formed as He pleases. But, more, I am a house that is under construction for renovation purposes, with the Creator of the Universe. And, his workmanship is undeniably, amazing!

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