Thursday, April 2, 2015

God's Hand, On Me, Once More

My personal journey of what took place in my life, on my face, and how the Lord has been at work in me, 
by Angeline M Duran Santiago

I've gone through a silent moment. I wanted to write something worthwhile and something that would be a blessing. I started a story and got hit with writer's block. I didn't imagine I'd have something so hard to write about so quickly, but here it goes.....

In my busy life, in the stress of every day, I found myself going through something I didn't believe could happen to me. 
Some might say I should be embarrassed to show my photos or share this story, but I believe this is my declaration of what God has done, can do and will continue to do when we place our faith in Him.

This photo of Frankie and I was taken just a few days before my nervous system decided to go whacko on me. I took it and uploaded it on to Facebook to share how he had proposed all over again.

At work, my colleagues asked, "Angie, what's wrong with your eye?" I didn't take time to go look in the mirror and blamed it to playing with the kids. Got on the train without a second thought and by the time I was home, my eye was not the only thing of concern. My face had changed into something from a movie and I couldn't explain what was going on.

I went from heat, to numbness, to heaviness, and a deep pain in my eye. My left eye began to get heavy also. I had a very strong headache. My daughter told me to go to the hospital, but I was imagined this would go away. I took some Alleve and decided to wait. Yes, I hear you yelling at me and pointing your finger at me. I was wrong to wait. You're right! I awoke to the scariest face looking back at me in the mirror and I ended up having to go get checked right away. My face on the right side decided to flop downward into a droopy state, closing my eye almost completely, and rendering that side of my face with barely any feeling.

The urgent care told me to see a Neurologist right away and well, I think I should've gone to the Emergency Room, but, well, in desperation of the unknown, I followed her recommendation. My first doctor said it looked like something Bell's Palsy and the Neurologist confirmed it. My nerves were breakdancing inside of me and I couldn't make them stop.

The questions began. How long has your face
been this way? When did you first notice it? I never imagined I needed to look in the mirror and start counting the hours. The questions were to give me hope. The truth is, I remember going to work and being told something looked wrong, but I never gave it mind. So, I was told, if I took a round of medication before 72 hours, there might be hope to restore my face. If not, well, I was going to be like this for a long time. Even with medication, I was told I would be this way for about two to eight weeks. 

You got it. I started wondering...What about work? What do I do on the train? Lord, why? Lord, you got this one too, right? Lord, you're gonna have to help me with this because I look horrible. I work with children and how can I even show up to work like this?

Well, I began to pray. I asked my family to pray. I took the anointed oil and placed it on my face and although I know it is just a symbol, I used it quoting the scriptures, "Is there any among you that is sick?....anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord." James 5:14

I was disoriented for a short while. The doctors wondered if I had experienced a stroke. I placed myself in God's hands because I had no one else to run to. 

It's been a week  and as I put on some lipstick, I realized my smile was almost perfect, straight again, me again. I share the photos of me during the changes not to glorify the symptoms, but to magnify God's greatness. You see, I was told that I wouldn't see a change right away, and yet, I began to see a change on day two, and a truly noticeable change by Sunday. 

Today, it's been a whole week and a day. What can I say but, "Lord, there is none like you!"
Will this return? I don't know. The only thing I do know is that if and when it returns, I will continue to surrender it all into God's care. 

Lord, You are my Healer. I place my life, my heart, and every part of my body, inside and out, into your care. You are my strength, my hope and the One I hope in.

Am I completely healed? Well, the photos show there's still some way to go, but oh, what a change! My face is about 90 % back to how it should be and regardless of what happens, I know my Lord God is able to do great and mighty things in my life!

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