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By Angeline M Duran Santiago


I made a decision not only to press onward in prayer and seeking the Lord's help in a greater way each day, but to also lose myself once again in the scriptures. We don't realize the treasure we have in God's Word only because we don't take the time to take it out and read it, truly read it. The treasure of God's Word is not hidden. It is not unreachable but it is beautifully displayed on many pulpits, altars and tables. The Word decorates many homes or lays along with other great books on a shelf. For some, the Bible is tucked away in a box in the attic or the storage store. 

Explorers spend their lives looking for artifacts and hidden items to learn about the past. They live completely devoted to the cause of learning more about a forgotten civilization. Their hours are spent under a suffocating sun, in the desert or the arctic, or where they believe these treasures are because they are filled with an unquenchable thirst to find the answers they seek.

We have the greatest treasure of all in the scriptures and most of us don't open it until Sunday, if we open it. Today's church now displays the scripture up high so we can follow along with the teaching or message. But, what a calamity it is if all we know is that moment of following along in church. We hurt ourselves in not making the effort to just open it and begin to read if only to find the promises of the Lord for us, who so desperately need Him.
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The word of the Lord doesn't just feed our thirsty soul one time. It doesn't just meet our needs during a religious holiday. The Scriptures are a treasure that continue to provide every time it is opened and searched.
There are so many amazing verses that if you were to truly invest reading time, even if you're tired or overwhelmed at work, I can almost guarantee you that something amazing will take place.

Our perspective on life changes when we take this treasure into our hands. Our attitudes begin to change. Our prayer life begins to change because we are being renewed and being filled with faith. God's word begins to remind us of who we are and what the Lord has for us today and in the future. We go from feeling alone and abandoned to understanding our purpose and walking knowing that we are truly loved by God.

Sharing Some Treasures I Found This Week:

Colossians 1:9
We keep asking God to fill you with the knowledge of what he wants. 

Colossians 1:11
We want you to be very strong, in keeping with his glorious power. We want you to be patient. We pray that you will never give up.

Colossians 1:14
Because of what the Son has done, we have been set free. Because of him, all our sins have been forgiven.

Colossians 2:17
But what is real is found in Christ.

Colossians 3:3
You died. Now your life is hidden with Christ in God. Christ is your life.

Colossians 4:2
Give a lot of time and effort to prayer. Always be watchful and thankful.

Colossians 4:17
Be sure that you complete the work the Lord gave you to do.

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I can go on and on but I want to ask you to go on and search for this hidden treasure that is already in your possession. Look at the book of Colossiand and Thessalonians with new eyes. Ask the Lord to guide you and speak to you as you read the book of John again. Discover the Psalms again. Go through Proverbs once more. There is so much for you and me to feed on.

I pray you are blessed in a super wonderful way and that your walk in the Lord is strengthened and renewed. Enjoy this treasure of the Scriptures, in Him.

