By Angeline M Duran

There's no place like home for the holidays. Home is that place where hugs are free. The embrace that comes from family makes you strong and words are not needed to remind you that your are loved. Home is that place where you stay in pajamas and not worry about the messy hair and feeling sad for a bit. It's going to come. It's going to happen because home is also where the biggest part of your past has now changed, ceased, and ended.

Home is that place where you wake up and he is not on the other side of the bed. There's only one cup of coffee to set on the table. And, yet, there is such a great peace in our hearts that many times it is just so hard to explain. God's peace. I am learning to identify this great tranquility that has overtaken my emotions as the perfect peace of the Lord in the middle of sadness and grief. Holy Spirit is teaching me what His great and perfect comfort feels like. At least for this moment in my life, I can say, "It is well with my soul". And it is real.

Home is where I chose to put up the lights and the nutcracker. Santa Claus made his way into my decor this year. He is not my favorite, but I knew Frankie loved Santa Claus as part of our decorations. So, he is there reminding anyone that comes home that we remember the guy that loved to dress up and pretend to be Santa.

There is no place like home for the holidays. Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, clicks her heals three times and repeats, "There's no place like home. There's no place like home." While I believe truly there is no place like home, especially when my parents are present and all my kids are with me, I also know that Frankie always spoke about the day he went home. He longed for heaven many times and he wanted to see the Lord. He often spoke of the many questions he had for His Heavenly Abba. Yes, there is no place like home for the holidays or any time of the year when we are surrounded by family, but oh how amazing it must be to be in that city, in that amazing place prepared for those who love God!

Lord, keep our heart close to you and help us to live and walk with our minds set on you. Set us apart for your purpose and help us to share with others that you love them and are preparing this beautiful place for them. Give me love for people and put your words in my mouth and when I write, words to draw others to you, words to bring a moment of healing and comfort.

I have a sign on my wall that my brother Tee and his wife gave me many years ago. The sign says, "Home is where the heart is." I love this sign because all hearts come home not just for Christmas, but always. When we are hurting and when we are broken. When discouragement and feelings of being let down come, our feet and our hearts lead us home. When we just need to escape and find our chair next to a loved one, all hearts come home. 

Hearts go home, to the place of safety and love. This is what I have found in learning who Jehovah, the Great I Am, Adonai, is to me. He is my home. Like Ruth said to Naomi, "Where you go, I will go, Where you stay, I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God will be my God. (Ruth 1) I say the same to the Lord. Help me to go where you go. I will go. Help me to stay where you stay. I shall stay. Help me to be there for others and be my God. Be strong and real in my life so that I can be a blessing to others that are sad, hurting, and need a friend.

Today is Christmas and my youngest son has gone out of his way to make my morning pretty amazing and special. His hugs have been many and his love constant. This to me is an example of the Lord reminding me that He loves us and is arms of love and compassion when we are in grief, when we remember the ones that are not with us today and any special event. The love of God is strength and words are not needed. 

The arms of the Lord around us, holding us, and carrying us do not need to be proclaimed. They just come and hold us. Just like Jacob, my son has done today. Without words, he just came and held me with an amazing strength and he held me tight for some time. He needed that love, too. His hug was a reminder that God has not left our side. He is here. The Lord is here. Praise the Lord!

God is in our home this Christmas and every moment. We are not forgotten. We are under His blessings and covered with His forever love. Today, I pray that even if you are not with your family and if you do not make it home, that you find your heart hidden in the arms of our Savior. His heart. Home is where the heart is and in God's love, we can experience that love we call being home and in that wanted, loving place.

There is no place like home. You can find the song or catchphrase to add to it. The best place is home, in the loving care of our Heavenly Lord. He is not just hiding behind the clouds. No. He is here. 

Romans 10:3NIV says, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Everyone.

The Scriptures also tell us, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come." 2 Corinthians 5:17. Anyone.

Merry Christmas. Love you all.

In Him,

Angeline M Duran
