
Among my friends, there are many that are living with a broken heart. Not a literal broken and torn muscle that you can see, of course. But, a heart that is full of the scars you cannot see, the emotional trauma that comes from disappointment, a break up, a loss, or anything that causes some kind of pain and heaviness. Even with the words I write, or the scriptures I send on occasion, my words are only words. These lives are in need of something greater than a written band-aid and stronger than stitches made with words.
What can I give you, my family or friend who continues to harbor the deep pain and discomfort of what life has thrown your way? Is God purposefully punishing you and bringing this hardship upon you? Someone once asked if their life could be cursed because everything kept going wrong? I believe that in this crazy, messed up world, we forget to recognize that the effects of sin play a vital role in what happens in this world. People sort of put their quick blame on a God that is punishing and blaming them by allowing the breakup of their family, or the problems at work, or their life to just be a mess. It's easier to blame a God many do not even believe in. It's easier to discredit the sin we indulge in as the root cause to how we are being attacked and disheartened on a regular basis.
A while back, I can say that I was one of those who questioned God's intentions. I wondered just how many more things I needed to repent for in order for the downpour of problems to stop raining upon my family and my life in general. There were times where I also wondered if God was just trying to get me to learn my lesson. I wondered if he was reliving the Job story and using my family and my life as an example? I was angry many times and I was not afraid to tell the Lord how I felt. I did not care about having a testimony after the test. I only knew the pain I saw my children and my family going through. I tried to find the quick answers to my angry questions. It has been in the waiting and living out each day that I have found that God is who He claims to be and that He is not trying to put me in my place. I am not being punished or under a curse. The trials that you are facing are not part of God's plan to break you and tear you apart in order to get you to follow Him. This world is broken, and in a broken world, our hearts end up full of aches, tragedies, and misfortune.
As people that are also not perfect, we make mistakes. I am guilty of speaking in haste and being quick at times with my words. Those moments, I have been hurtful and offensive. There have been times where I spoke to get my point across and it was not done with love, or with sensitivity towards the other person. I know that in a moment of misunderstanding, anger, or confusion, it is easy for our emotions to get in the way and we can hurt others that we would never, ever wish or desire to hurt at all. We know what it feels like to get our hearts broken by the words and actions others practice towards us. Perhaps we have been the one causing the sadness. I believe this is why it matters a lot to me to rekindle old friendships. Not because I want to become best friends with everyone at my old age. No, I am looking to somehow create a bridge that allows family and friends to reconnect. And, if in reconnecting, we find healing for past wounds and old hurts, then great is the victory in the Lord because God's plan is all about redemption, forgiveness, and restoration of relationships. Thus, Christ's death on the cross paves the way to a restored relationship of God's creation with the Creator. Should we not also be about our Father's business in reaching out to the broken hearted?
What are you going through right now? Is it really too hard to believe God can help you and get you through this? Do you believe that it is the Lord's desire to make you suffer or bring the worst possible situation into your life? The world is full of heartache and most likely, the devil is behind most of the chaos we see and experience. Sin gives birth to a lot of the darkness around us and unfortunately we live in a world that embraces what is wrong before it holds on to what is good and right. We are challenged for what we believe to be true and we are put on the seat of ridicule if we disagree with the world's version of what is truth and correct living. Life can hurt. People can be cruel. Friends let us down and family can end up being people we despise. At the end of the day, anyone that is alive is open to breaking someone's heart of getting their heart crushed. God heals and those who seek the heart of God will experience their hearts being healed. Those who choose to walk to honor Christ in their life, will seek to change their ways, and do what it takes to begin to restore and heal those persons in our life whom we have been hurtful towards. God heals us and God wants to use us to bring healing words to others as well.
I hope my sentences make sense. I want to say, "Sorry" to those I have not been always been kind and understanding to. This old girl is going to try and do better. That's a promise. There's a reason I am still here on this Earth and maybe it's to be there for others. So, whatever it takes, Lord. Use my life to help those whose hearts are broken beyone repair and let my life be what someone else needs, today. Help others see that you are not punishing them. Help them understand that this world is quick to heap the hurt and the darkness before the your love and your heart of compassion. Help the church rise up with healing and love for others. Help families be united and be restored in Jesus name. Help people talk again and let their be forgiveness and repentance, and lots of hugs. In Jesus Name, Lord, restore. Heal and renew what the devil tried so hard to destroy. Heal and restore the bodies that the devil has attacked so heavily with sickness, emotional and physical trauma, ,or with addiction. Lord, we need you to help us through every crisis and every broken dream. In Jesus Name, heal families. Heal the relationships between Fathers and sons and daughters. Heal relationships between husbands and wives. Heal relationships between brothers and sisters, between families and friends. Heal those lives hurt by church members and church leaders. Heal those families and lives hurt by the wrong advice and words spoke by ministries that have misrepresented God's love and God's word. Heal pastors who have given their all to people only to be mistreated. Heal those who are reliving childhood abuse and trauma in their adult lives and have never heard the words, "I am sorry for what I did to you." You, Father God, are the healer. You make all things new and I surrender every person that reads this, into your hands, and to be loved totally by you,Lord. In Jesus name. Amen. I'd love to hear from you, have a great day!


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