He Heals the Brokenhearted

He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds. Psalm 147:3 NIV
I believe that so many of us know about God's Word. We listen to it and we nod our head during the preaching and say,"Amen." We recognize that the Message is True. Yet, somehow we walk around with the reality of God's Word being just something as common as getting milk, eggs, and bread in the supermarket. We walk away from the preaching, the bible study, or our personal devotions at home and we are unmoved and unchanged.
We carry the weight of so much around for years unnecesarily. If we believe that God is our healer, then we need to walk around with the mindset that He is able to heal us of all our wounds, our issues and every difficulty. There are so many believers that are walking around with their wounds festering and bleeding. They keep picking at the scabs by reliving the painful moments and holding on to what has deeply cut into their heart.
He heals the brokenhearted. If you find yourself walking around today with a heart that is heavy, that is hurting, that is burdened and shattered in pieces, then give it all to the Lord today. He is able to heal you. He will restore you so that you can walk around with a healthy heart, ready to love and ready to embrace others.
He bandages our wounds. I go to the Father and lift up all my wounds to Him. He has the kind of bandages that we cannot get at the Pharmacy. His wrapping will allow our brokeness to be held together as we heal. I know it is better said and written than done. But, why are we going to live the rest of our life always going over the same things, the same moments, the same situation and keep our minds and hearts on repeat mode? He can heal you. He is able to heal the deepest parts of your heart and your mind. He heals the brokenhearted.
Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28 NIV
I invite you today, and I join you in the journey, of walking into the arms of Jesus and accepting this call to come to Him. Today is the day to hear Him call and to believe that what He is saying is totally True. There is no doubting or thinking about it. There should be zero forgetting of His Word in our lives. He calls us to come. Will you truly go to the Lord today. But, let's not just go. We have to do what He tells us to do. We must believe that we can give Him our heart full of hurts and He will heal it.
Jesus knows how we feel. He knows what is going on inside of each and everyone of us. He sees. He hears. He understands that we are overwhelmed and at times struggling to get back on our feet. A heavy heart, a broken heart can make it almost impossible to take the next step.
Yes, you are tired, weary and carrying a burden beyond your limits, beyond your ability to pull along. So, we come to the Lord today and lay it all down at His feet. We place it in His arms. Whatever you want to do with your situation, do it. But, give it to Jesus today. Give Him your shattered world, your feelings of loneliness and heartbreak. Give Jesus every bag full of sadness and feeling unloved. Bring to the Lord all your handbags full of past hurts. Bring to Jesus all the luggage filled with all the horrible words ever spoken and thrown your way to break you and cut you deep.
Bring all those boxes in the attic of your heart and mind full of painful memories, unforgettable moments that just hold on to you and keep you from knowing rest and joy in the Lord. Jesus says He will give us rest. I am going to believe this today. Will you? Can you believe that it is possible to surrender our broken hearts, our heavy burdens, our wounds and all the stuff harbored in our lives? I hope you choose to believe He is able to give you rest, to heal you and set you completely free. Lord, help us today to walk into your presence and surrender all that keeps us from walking in your love. I believe that today you heal me, you give me rest and I can walk away full of your love. Thank you Lord for this moment of just knowing how much you care for me and how much you love me. Thank you for the rest that You alone can give when we wait in your presence. Thank you that you are with us and you go with us into every area of our life. Thank you Lord. The LORD replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” Exodus 33:14
