What is your reason for being here in this world? Have you ever wondered, "Why?" I mean, all this talk about purpose...Where do we begin if we want to know our Godly purpose?

 Make a choice. Accept or decline God's message as truth by faith or walk away. 
 Make a choice. Accept the fact that God loves you or decline those words.Regardless, it doesn't stop the fact that He loves you regardless of your choice. Accept or decline to believe the fact that we have all sinned, even those of us that say we're super good, yeah, we've all sinned.
(Romans 3:23)
Believe in your heart that God loves you or don't believe it. Believe in your mind that He is real and cares about your present and your future or don't believe it. Your disbelief doesn't change his love for you. Dare to believe that His Word is truth or don't believe it because you think it's easier to label it fiction and nonsense. Dare to believe that His Word is Life for your soul, even today, if you can only believe.(Acts 16:31)

Confess here means to declare and speak out without fear or shame. It doesn't mean go in hiding and confess to someone in secret or make an appointment to make a confession of your wrongdoings, sins and issues. In other words, declare that you open your heart to receive God's gift of salvation. Right where you are you can talk to God. Confess, or declare, that you want to be a child of God and will from now on, live for Him. Confess that you need Him. Receive Him.It's possible if you dare to walk into a step of faith.
(Romans 10:9)

What is my reason for living?
 Do what it takes to find out your reason for being alive. God created you with a purpose. Do you know that purpose? Now is the time to get into God's Word and learn what He has to say. Now is the time to pray and discover God's will for your life. Don't give up if the answer takes time. Be willing to let the Lord guide you at all times.

Lord, many of us have at times walked in the knowledge of your will and your calling. Many of us are in this stuck place where we want to know your will but cannot move forward. Some of us are brand new and we need Your Spirit to fill us and lead us into all truth. We want our lives to count for so many things. We want to leave our mark on this world. We want to be used for your glory and we want to experience your presence in this present time. Move in our lives today as we go forth to seek your face. We long to know and understand the reason you have placed us here on this Earth at this time, when the world is unashamedly choosing to deny you. 

