When I Think of You and a Cup of Coffee

I thought of the smile that would stretch across your face today as you joined me for some coffee. I don't know if that's what you're having at the moment, but I made some just for me. Smells amazing!

In my mind, I imagined us sitting together and just sharing what's been going on. Maybe, like me, you have a few books on the table. None of them are new. But, since I haven't had the chance to get new ones,  I'm rereading some favorites. A little crazy perhaps, but rereading a book is like visiting an old friend. You go to the same place and person, but you can always discover something new, something you didn't see before. 
So, maybe you've placed them aside so we can share the cup of coffee with some cheddar cheese and crackers. Butter? Yes, I'll get the butter, too.

You might not want to share, so I'll go first. It's been a rough week. There have been so many things left incomplete and with back to school only a few days away, I feel ill prepared in sending my son back to school, a new school. But, you're right. He's going to be alright. I know. I'm going to have to get time off to meet the teachers and explain so much to them, but you're right. These crackers do disappear when I dip them in the coffee.

Really? You had a difficult week, too? Those people at work just getting on your last nerve. Believe me, I understand. I've had to deal with people like that too. 
Wish we could go gangsta on some of them sometimes, right, like those movies where the good guy really knows how to kick butt and everyone is like Woosh and Kaboom, flying all over the place. Nah, they're not worth it. Don't worry. You just keep doing what you know is right and God will take care of the rest. He always does. I'm telling you, it's going to be alright. 

Aww. Here. It's ok. If you need to cry then cry because sometimes we just need to let it come forth and there's such a change afterwards. We are going to get through this together. You and me. Yes we are. I'm right here. You're not walking through this storm alone. Here, have some more coffee. How about some coffee cake? No? Well, now you know how I gained so much weight. You should see me when I start PMSing  Chocolate time!

Back to me? Well, I thought I wasn't going to make it. I had nowhere else to go but to the Lord. I'm telling you, I was ready to quit, to give up, to run off into the desert and blame my parents for the day they created me. Oh, yes, I'm telling you, nothing was going right. I was so angry. And then, God's mercy showed up. Yes siree, it dawned on me that I was being foolish and childish and that it's ok to go through the storms and come out somewhat banged up and bruised up a bit. What matters is that we remain believing and not give up.

No, you're not giving up! You're going to keep going. God's working in your life, child. The best is yet to come. Believe me, I was feeling just like you only a few days ago and look at me now. Feel like I can get up on this coffee table and break dance. (Hammer time!)

I knew I could make you smile. Dear Friend, I promise you will not walk alone through your desert. We can get through this one day at a time. God is in the business of answering prayer. God loves you and will comfort you through this heavy time in your heart.

No. You are not alone and your life is not over. Oh my goodness, how could you believe that lie? Look in the mirror by the door. Look really hard and what do you see? I see an amazing person. Perfect in every way because God doesn't make junk. Even while you were just starting to be formed in your mother's womb, God already knew your name, your hair color, your good days and your crappy days. He's provided your way out of sadness and into joy, unspeakable joy!
I'm so glad you're feeling better. 

You gotta go? Sure. I know. Oh, it's been so great having you over. Can we do this again. No. No. Anytime. We still have this whole "Seeing God in the Storm" thing to talk about. 
You have a great day now and don't you worry. Call me anytime if you need to talk or just cry over the phone. I'm here for you, for real. God really cares for you my friend. And I do, too.

#faith #friendship #discouragement #coffeetime #encouragement #talk #intentionalblogger #christiancounseling #christianfriend #loneliness
