Dream Again

You are not just one more ordinary person walking on this earth.
You most definitely are not a speck of dust, wandering aimlessly and without a destination. There is not only a purpose in your existence, but a mission with each step you take each day.

Perhaps you feel unmotivated and discouragement lingers like a silent best friend. Financial and emotional setbacks have quietly placed a robe of instability, immobilizing you so that you cannot move forward into your purpose. You are not only frozen in time, but each time you extend your arms to touch those far away dreams, they move further away because somehow, you’ve believe the lie that you’re not good enough or that success, joy and purpose are beyond your reach.

Today I stand with the warm winds of encouragement. I raise banners of victory for you to see as your frozen feet melt and you begin to take steps towards the finish line. Begin to take hold of your dreams again. They are not over.

As you move into your purpose, begin to declare those things you are aiming for. Speak them into existence with faith in your lips. As you see me cheering you on by the finish line, allow the baggage of disappointment and disillusionment to fall off of you and run, run with all your might. Take your life back and dream again!

#race #victory #dream #purpose #godsplan #godspurpose #divineplan #run #dreamagain #believe #hope #godscall #angieduran
