Written By Angeline M Duran Santiago
It’s not what I thought or wanted but it was something that
was to be expected. My words of advice and the words others share sometimes
fall on ground that is just not ready or willing to receive. We continue to
plants seeds filled with God’s Word and purpose, even when it doesn’t rain and
the ground of our hearts remains unbreakable and stubborn. We pray for rain. It
may not come when we call out to the heavens for it, but in due season, God’s
Word promises that it will fulfill those things it wants to fulfill and
accomplish those things God has ordained and promised.
The soil of our children’s and spouses’ hearts is sometimes
hard because life can make it a rocky field. The choices they make don’t just
affect them but those around them. We go through break ups and hurts and
through it all God’s comfort comes in like a soft wind and reminds us, “I am
here with you through all the news, the changes and the short comings.”
In God’s time, the rain becomes to fall slowly and softly.
Many times the rain comes after we’ve gone through the misunderstandings and the
mess ups of being rebellious. It begins
to rain right after we decided to do things our way. The soft rain falls when the sin is uncovered
and we’re standing naked before a God that exposes us for our own good. It’s
when we’re ready to allow the soil and ground of our lives to be broken that
God can rain upon us and heal, restore and do a great work.
It’s when the soil
is ready that those words we spoke over our children when they were young begin
to whisper into their lives again. Like clay in the Potter’s Hands, our
families begin to be molded and restored. It’s when the soil of our minds is
stirred and turned upside down that we are able to surrender it all to a God
whose Word renews our minds. God’s word showers and flows out into the rooms in
our minds and our hearts where the past hurts need to be watered away. God’s
Word pours through like rain and says, “Now you’re ready to let me do a great
work in your life.”
It’s not what I thought or wanted, but I know that in the
midst of this unorganized mess, God is present and He is still very much in
control. That is why I am at peace and I can’t even get upset. The Lord took
His time to show me what was coming before it came and He prepared my heart. I
sat in church and week after week, God gave me words I would need to remember for
the moments that were coming my way. “When God give you something, you have to
give it away.” “Grace. If Grace has been given to you are you ready and able to
give grace away?”
Through the changes in our lives, God is still at work. We
make plans and God looks at us, His children and His creation and He laughs. I
serve a Mighty God who also has a great sense of humor. I serve and believe in
a powerful God who fights my battle and still takes time to sing over me. I
place my hope in a Loving Father who cares about my hurts and still strengthens
me because He knows there will be many more to come. Through it all, He is
present. And, although it wasn’t what I had expected, God has given me a joy
through it all, filling me with expectation because I see that now, the ground
of the hearts I’ve planted seeds into all these years, has begun to get ready
to receive from the Lord.
Let it rain, dear Lord, let it rain!

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