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By Angeline Duran

Lord, sometimes we don't have the words

That convey exactly what we feel,

We rarely find the right words

That give a glimpse of this heart of ours.

Yet, here we are,

Here I am

Nothing to hide.

The anger, the disappointments, 

You get the picture? It's us inside.

It's the person reading this.

It's me, the one writing.


Still struggling to walk right,


You, Them, Everyone.


Still trying to think and remember what to do and  how to do it,


Wanting to feel like me again,

You, wanting to feel whole again.

They. Them.

They tell me soon things will return to normal again, to how they used to be and I want to boldly and loudly say, "No! Things will never go back to the way they were!"

"No! Don't say back to normal. Define normal? Mine or yours?"

That's not going to happen.

That's not the plan.


All things are  new.

You, Lord, are doing a new thing.

A new thing moving forward. A new normal. A new tomorrow because yesterday and last year cannot be purchased to be relived. I cannot go back to the past and neither can you. There is no "do over". There is no returning to the life of yesterday except in our memories, our celebrations and our regrets.

Oh, but rejoice!

Rejoice in the silence of your meditations.

Rejoice in times of prayer.

Rejoice when you are singing to the Lord and inviting His presence into your moment, your environment.

I cannot see it,

I cannot yet feel it,

But, my life in your hands changes.

It is new.

You are doing a new thing.

Can you sense it?

I don't  have the words, Lord.


I just sat here and thought of You.


Come when these thoughts are powerful and overwhelm me,

Come, Lord,

Hear the prayer that is simmering in my heart and ready to fly up to you but somehow it is still, 

Unmovable, reaching out to You,

Take this prayer in my heart and heal every part that is yet to be completely renewed and restored.

In Jesus Name. Amen.

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