By Angie Duran

The arrows were aimed
Aimed at you
You were the target
Target for destruction
Destruction was aimed at your life
Your life filled with passion
Passion to serve the Lord 
The arrows were launched
And they flew at you with vengeance
They lashed violently cursed by those who ate at your table
Your table filled with enemies
Enemies that you were considered family
Family that was filled with devious plans for your downfall

The arrows flew mightily
Mightily towards you
Bruising, breaking, cutting, hating, hurting,
the arrows with your name
Some fell away and could not touch you
And some did find you
But the hit only momentarily shook you
Shook you but didn't destroy you
Didn't destroy you

You raised your shield of faith
And just when you heard the arrows whirling towards you,
Just when you felt their tips ready to cut you down,
A mighty shield rose around you
Arrows broke and fell to the ground
The few that scarred you
Are there to remind you
That God is always ready to stand in the way
of every arrow that dares come your way.

In every situation take the shield of faith, and with it you will be able to 
extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.
Ephesians 6:16
