In Their Eyes

There is a hurt in their eyes
A pain that speaks so loudly
Hidden behind smiles and attitudes
Behind a life being lived so ghastly

There's a hurt in their eyes
A deep emptiness so real
So hollow and so dark
Masking what they truly feel

But each one walks the streets almost aimless
Though some might think a risk worth taking
Using them like rag dolls that will never have a heart,
Souls worth the breaking,

Walk into the night, and you will see,
If you dare, watch them as they move about,
For if your heart never breaks
Then it's to you I need to shout!

For this girl, the woman, this broken life on the street,
Once was a mother's gift,
And if born unwanted, never known an embrace
A purpose she still does have.

As you pass her by, don't degrade and belittle,
Don't seek out to use and destroy,
Your prayer can be the key for her freedom,
As you pray, pray as if she were your little girl.

I see these girls, as I walk to the train,
Oh, I wish I could do more than pray,
        So I smile and I hope they will hear my words,
        And one day from the streets, run far away.

Oh beautiful girl that has become shadows in the night,
Beaten soul that has believed so many lies,
For you this prayer is lifted so that you may know,
A Savior for you did die.

For the broken, unloved, abused and rejected,
For the beaten, forgotten and so bruised,
He took every hurt and anguish you now feel,
And carried it all for you.

There is a way out, if you call out to Him,
Jesus will become that escape plan,
Call upon His name in the darkest moment that you know,
And He will lead you out proclaiming you his precious one.

Poem by Angeline Duran~Santiago

#girlofthenight #prostitution #sexslaves #jesusistheanswer #salvation #hopeinchrist #godhears #newlife #ministryforwomen #secondchances #freedominchrist
