But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep you from evil. 2 Thes 3:3 (KJV):  
By Angeline M Duran Santiago

     Yesterday, there came a heaviness upon me and I believed the reason could be that someone in my life needed prayer. I thought of the many faces that came into mind and wondered what they were going through. I saw moments of great battle, of being confronted by the Enemy of every Christian believer, and I saw the battle rising against someone whose face I couldn't see. I know of family and friends that are sick and are facing a very difficult time. I also know of mothers who have sick children who they care for and their burden has been heavy and difficult. I envisioned family and friends that are just facing some hard times, in their homes, in their marriage, in their workplace, and in their daily relationships. Lord, I prayed, raise us up to pray, to trust in You, no matter what is getting ready to come our way, and we will trust you for the Victory.

 Today is Veterans Day and we honor those who serve. but the boots of princess prayer warriors are also on the ground. If you need prayer see my other pin.:

     When morning came and the worry came upon me once more, I began to look for scripture verses to send each one before the day began. It was right before I began my day that I sent the last verses or scripture pictures, going as fast as I could, reminding those faces that came to mind that the battle is not there's but that it is all in God's hands. I sent quick messages reminding these ladies that God has their lives in His and that He is their help in time of trouble, their strength and by their side, always.

      I rose, somewhat confident and believing that the Lord would back up His word and that He knew who needed to be lifted up this morning. Yet, as I walked into my own world, my personal moment went from that of an encourager, to one who was thrown into the arena. Accusations and lies were spewed my way, and I immediately understood the urgency of last night's burden to be ready for battle. It was then, as my day began that the unknown face became clear. I was the woman, the soldier who needed to get ready for battle, who needed to remember who I belong to, it was me. Deep in my heart I also knew that God was at work in the lives of other women because as the day went on, I began to get texts from them letting me know that God had spoken to them through the morning message.

       The battle began and I can honestly say that for about two minutes, while I listened and entertained the announcement of something coming my way, my heart felt a jolt of fear. But, the moment I remembered what had been stirring in my spirit since last night and how the Lord had been working in me through the morning hours, I got angry at myself for even listening. I got up and walked away. I declared, "It's on, devil. Number One- I'm not going to give you any more attention. Number Two- I'm not afraid because I am not alone in this place or this battle. God already told me He is with me and that He has my back. Number 3- I'm not even going to worry because God already showed me what to do, so be ready to be amazed with my silence before you."

 Lion of Judah:

      Inwardly, I wanted God to take his mighty hand and smack some folks around. Truth is that is not how God works. He reminded me that I was not to even make a big deal about it but to remain in peace, to be quiet and know that He is my God, who fights my battles, sometimes in silence and still out in the open loud enough for others to see that it is the Lord who is at work in the situation.

      I can confidently share that the Lord brought down every lie and every accusation that was brought against me. I can share that the Lord used people I would have never expected to rise up and speak on my behalf. The Lord put to shame the very persons who lent themselves for evil purposes. God took their slander and turned it into testimony time. What was spoken out in secret against me and my family, the Lord took it out into the open and made it public that He knew me and He fought my cause- all while I remained silent.

      Deep inside, quietly, I rejoiced! I celebrated because the Lord truly showed up in my surroundings this day. And, you know what? He is still at work in my moment, for the battle stops but for a moment. And you know what else? The Lord has also been showing up and taking care of you, his daughters and his sons. The Lord has promised to stand with you when the Enemy comes against you. All the lies, the accusations, the hurt and the lashes against you fall broken and cancelled in Jesus name. You belong to the Most High. You and I belong to the One who will never abandon us when the Enemy's plan begins against us. 

      Trust in the Lord today. Pray. Believe. Hope again. Know that the Lord will show up where you are in desperate need. Is it in the hospital? In the jail cell? In your home? In the Psychiatric hospital where no one knows what's wrong with you? Is it in the darkness of your room while you face fear and the torment of your painful past? Is it at work or in your school? Then know that the Lord rises up even before we open our eyes to start a new day. He stands up and stays at our side so that we can praise Him after the battle.

 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. Ephesians 1:3:

      Yes, I was silent before my enemy because I had spoken my trust in my King. Yes, I remained silent as the words were spoken to try and scare me, but God said, "Shhh, be still and trust me." So, my friend, I pray you do the same tonight. Tomorrow, another battle awaits. Maybe it will come forth in a few days or months. But, it will come. So also, the Lord will come. Holy Spirit will rise up within you and cause you to walk in Victory.

