Monday, November 21, 2022


From Angie, With Love.
The year is coming to a close. So much has changed and yet so much remains the same. Many of us have grown in our faith as we have seen the Lord walk with us in the most difficult circumstances. Many of us are still waiting for a miracle and believing God never fails. As the weather gets colder and the holidays move us quickly to the last days of this year, I am reminded that God does not rely on time moving slow or speeding by. God does not depend on the shifting of seasons. God moves in His will based on what He knows is best for us. He works on our behalf even when we do not really know what to pray or how to bring our words before Him.
Lord, tonight I come to You and I ask that You would just turn the flashlight of your Word upon my life, my heart, and my mind. Show me what You see and allow me to understand the areas in my life that I need to work on, to change, to surrender to You, give to You completely. Lord, renew me. You make all things new. Restore me. Make me stronger than before. Hold my heart in Your hands and do not allow my heart to pursue anything that is not in Your Plan and Will for my life. I am yours, Lord. I am yours. We are yours, Lord.
Father in Heaven, raise me up to be a vessel You can use for Your divine purpose. Remove the fear that comes into my life sometimes. Take the fear and give me boldness to share Your Message with others. Give me ears and a heart to listen when someone shares their story. Give me Your Words and Your Heart to speak life and hope and healing into their story. You are still writing my story and I believe You are writing so many stories of the many people in my life. You are a Master Storyteller. Rewrite our stories of loss and sorrow into stories of joy and hope. Dear Lord, move in my heart. Heal me. Heal my children. Heal their hearts, their bodies. Heal my parents. Heal us from sickness and from the hurts life has wounded us and afflicted us with. Heal our past and fill our present moment with more of You. More of You. More of You.

Saturday, November 12, 2022

We All Need Him

When I was younger, I wondered about a lot of things that I was going through as a believer, as a wife and mother. I went before the Lord to share things in my heart that only He knew and I could not share with anyone else. Many times my heart was broken and I felt at a loss. It was in those times that I learned to just cry out to the Lord and trust Him. He alone could understand. It took a long time for me to truly see what God was teaching me through those difficult years. I learned that God sees me, the real me, and loves me in my mess and struggles. I learned that when we are ready to give him our complete devotion, He will move in our lives, anoint us and use us even when we are going through the trials of life.
Other things I learned later on. I wish I had been able to have had my eyes and the undestanding in my heart to have seen things through the lens of heaven. How differently many things could have been if I would have been able to always seek the Lord first in every situation. Some lessons I learned later on, as I got older and I wish I could have experienced these "aha" moments in my youth. I learned that we are called to walk in forgiveness. The message of the gospel is all about being forgiven, being restored to a relationship with God. Jesus' death on the cross was all about paying a debt I could never pay because it is a debt that happens in our hearts, in our bodies, in our minds, and in our life. Since the Lord has provided Himself in my place, I choose to learn to walk in forgiveness, in love and I try to be patient and kind and all that Corinthians 13 tells me I should be. He is love so His love should be real in me.
In the moments where my faith faltered or grew dim, God's love and faithfulness kept me together. In those moments where my imperfections were brighter than the sun and I did not have the desire to walk in love or forgiveness, God showed up and clearly spoke to my life. You see, I cannot profess to know the Lord and be doing His will and walk with all the ugliness in my life. So, He healed me of emotions and moments that only He knew about. We all have them. The marriage that is falling apart. The traumas that haunt us into old age. The sickness that refuses to leave our bodies alone. Our minds racing and never finding peace or an end to the depression that binds so many. And here is where making the choice to believe God in the middle of the mess comes to play. If we say His Word is true then we need to make a choice and walk out of our lifeless shell of religion and step into the freedom and life found in truly surrendering to the Lord. He is able to change us and our situation. I have seen it. I have lived through it.
I have seen marriages become whole again. I have seen joy return in relationships. I have seen what was dead come back to life and be restored. I have lived it. I have seen families united and love change it all. I have been there when the breakthrough came. I experienced it in my own life. God is faithful. He is powerful. He is all we need when we think we cannot overcome the stresses and issues of this life.
God remains True. His plan for us is still out in the open and we can still see it happen. Lord, help us draw near to You and to be willing to be emptied out of ourselves and be filled with You, Holy Spirit. Do a new work in us, dear Lord. We need you today and every day. Move in our lives. Transform our children and lead them in your path. Renew our hearts to be passionate about seeking You. Always, in Jesus name. Amen.

He Heals the Brokenhearted

He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds. Psalm 147:3 NIV
I believe that so many of us know about God's Word. We listen to it and we nod our head during the preaching and say,"Amen." We recognize that the Message is True. Yet, somehow we walk around with the reality of God's Word being just something as common as getting milk, eggs, and bread in the supermarket. We walk away from the preaching, the bible study, or our personal devotions at home and we are unmoved and unchanged.
We carry the weight of so much around for years unnecesarily. If we believe that God is our healer, then we need to walk around with the mindset that He is able to heal us of all our wounds, our issues and every difficulty. There are so many believers that are walking around with their wounds festering and bleeding. They keep picking at the scabs by reliving the painful moments and holding on to what has deeply cut into their heart.
He heals the brokenhearted. If you find yourself walking around today with a heart that is heavy, that is hurting, that is burdened and shattered in pieces, then give it all to the Lord today. He is able to heal you. He will restore you so that you can walk around with a healthy heart, ready to love and ready to embrace others.
He bandages our wounds. I go to the Father and lift up all my wounds to Him. He has the kind of bandages that we cannot get at the Pharmacy. His wrapping will allow our brokeness to be held together as we heal. I know it is better said and written than done. But, why are we going to live the rest of our life always going over the same things, the same moments, the same situation and keep our minds and hearts on repeat mode? He can heal you. He is able to heal the deepest parts of your heart and your mind. He heals the brokenhearted.
Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28 NIV
I invite you today, and I join you in the journey, of walking into the arms of Jesus and accepting this call to come to Him. Today is the day to hear Him call and to believe that what He is saying is totally True. There is no doubting or thinking about it. There should be zero forgetting of His Word in our lives. He calls us to come. Will you truly go to the Lord today. But, let's not just go. We have to do what He tells us to do. We must believe that we can give Him our heart full of hurts and He will heal it.
Jesus knows how we feel. He knows what is going on inside of each and everyone of us. He sees. He hears. He understands that we are overwhelmed and at times struggling to get back on our feet. A heavy heart, a broken heart can make it almost impossible to take the next step.
Yes, you are tired, weary and carrying a burden beyond your limits, beyond your ability to pull along. So, we come to the Lord today and lay it all down at His feet. We place it in His arms. Whatever you want to do with your situation, do it. But, give it to Jesus today. Give Him your shattered world, your feelings of loneliness and heartbreak. Give Jesus every bag full of sadness and feeling unloved. Bring to the Lord all your handbags full of past hurts. Bring to Jesus all the luggage filled with all the horrible words ever spoken and thrown your way to break you and cut you deep.
Bring all those boxes in the attic of your heart and mind full of painful memories, unforgettable moments that just hold on to you and keep you from knowing rest and joy in the Lord. Jesus says He will give us rest. I am going to believe this today. Will you? Can you believe that it is possible to surrender our broken hearts, our heavy burdens, our wounds and all the stuff harbored in our lives? I hope you choose to believe He is able to give you rest, to heal you and set you completely free. Lord, help us today to walk into your presence and surrender all that keeps us from walking in your love. I believe that today you heal me, you give me rest and I can walk away full of your love. Thank you Lord for this moment of just knowing how much you care for me and how much you love me. Thank you for the rest that You alone can give when we wait in your presence. Thank you that you are with us and you go with us into every area of our life. Thank you Lord. The LORD replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” Exodus 33:14

Tuesday, August 23, 2022


Among my friends, there are many that are living with a broken heart. Not a literal broken and torn muscle that you can see, of course. But, a heart that is full of the scars you cannot see, the emotional trauma that comes from disappointment, a break up, a loss, or anything that causes some kind of pain and heaviness. Even with the words I write, or the scriptures I send on occasion, my words are only words. These lives are in need of something greater than a written band-aid and stronger than stitches made with words.
What can I give you, my family or friend who continues to harbor the deep pain and discomfort of what life has thrown your way? Is God purposefully punishing you and bringing this hardship upon you? Someone once asked if their life could be cursed because everything kept going wrong? I believe that in this crazy, messed up world, we forget to recognize that the effects of sin play a vital role in what happens in this world. People sort of put their quick blame on a God that is punishing and blaming them by allowing the breakup of their family, or the problems at work, or their life to just be a mess. It's easier to blame a God many do not even believe in. It's easier to discredit the sin we indulge in as the root cause to how we are being attacked and disheartened on a regular basis.
A while back, I can say that I was one of those who questioned God's intentions. I wondered just how many more things I needed to repent for in order for the downpour of problems to stop raining upon my family and my life in general. There were times where I also wondered if God was just trying to get me to learn my lesson. I wondered if he was reliving the Job story and using my family and my life as an example? I was angry many times and I was not afraid to tell the Lord how I felt. I did not care about having a testimony after the test. I only knew the pain I saw my children and my family going through. I tried to find the quick answers to my angry questions. It has been in the waiting and living out each day that I have found that God is who He claims to be and that He is not trying to put me in my place. I am not being punished or under a curse. The trials that you are facing are not part of God's plan to break you and tear you apart in order to get you to follow Him. This world is broken, and in a broken world, our hearts end up full of aches, tragedies, and misfortune.
As people that are also not perfect, we make mistakes. I am guilty of speaking in haste and being quick at times with my words. Those moments, I have been hurtful and offensive. There have been times where I spoke to get my point across and it was not done with love, or with sensitivity towards the other person. I know that in a moment of misunderstanding, anger, or confusion, it is easy for our emotions to get in the way and we can hurt others that we would never, ever wish or desire to hurt at all. We know what it feels like to get our hearts broken by the words and actions others practice towards us. Perhaps we have been the one causing the sadness. I believe this is why it matters a lot to me to rekindle old friendships. Not because I want to become best friends with everyone at my old age. No, I am looking to somehow create a bridge that allows family and friends to reconnect. And, if in reconnecting, we find healing for past wounds and old hurts, then great is the victory in the Lord because God's plan is all about redemption, forgiveness, and restoration of relationships. Thus, Christ's death on the cross paves the way to a restored relationship of God's creation with the Creator. Should we not also be about our Father's business in reaching out to the broken hearted?
What are you going through right now? Is it really too hard to believe God can help you and get you through this? Do you believe that it is the Lord's desire to make you suffer or bring the worst possible situation into your life? The world is full of heartache and most likely, the devil is behind most of the chaos we see and experience. Sin gives birth to a lot of the darkness around us and unfortunately we live in a world that embraces what is wrong before it holds on to what is good and right. We are challenged for what we believe to be true and we are put on the seat of ridicule if we disagree with the world's version of what is truth and correct living. Life can hurt. People can be cruel. Friends let us down and family can end up being people we despise. At the end of the day, anyone that is alive is open to breaking someone's heart of getting their heart crushed. God heals and those who seek the heart of God will experience their hearts being healed. Those who choose to walk to honor Christ in their life, will seek to change their ways, and do what it takes to begin to restore and heal those persons in our life whom we have been hurtful towards. God heals us and God wants to use us to bring healing words to others as well.
I hope my sentences make sense. I want to say, "Sorry" to those I have not been always been kind and understanding to. This old girl is going to try and do better. That's a promise. There's a reason I am still here on this Earth and maybe it's to be there for others. So, whatever it takes, Lord. Use my life to help those whose hearts are broken beyone repair and let my life be what someone else needs, today. Help others see that you are not punishing them. Help them understand that this world is quick to heap the hurt and the darkness before the your love and your heart of compassion. Help the church rise up with healing and love for others. Help families be united and be restored in Jesus name. Help people talk again and let their be forgiveness and repentance, and lots of hugs. In Jesus Name, Lord, restore. Heal and renew what the devil tried so hard to destroy. Heal and restore the bodies that the devil has attacked so heavily with sickness, emotional and physical trauma, ,or with addiction. Lord, we need you to help us through every crisis and every broken dream. In Jesus Name, heal families. Heal the relationships between Fathers and sons and daughters. Heal relationships between husbands and wives. Heal relationships between brothers and sisters, between families and friends. Heal those lives hurt by church members and church leaders. Heal those families and lives hurt by the wrong advice and words spoke by ministries that have misrepresented God's love and God's word. Heal pastors who have given their all to people only to be mistreated. Heal those who are reliving childhood abuse and trauma in their adult lives and have never heard the words, "I am sorry for what I did to you." You, Father God, are the healer. You make all things new and I surrender every person that reads this, into your hands, and to be loved totally by you,Lord. In Jesus name. Amen. I'd love to hear from you, have a great day!

Wednesday, August 17, 2022


I am that woman. The one who spent most of her life feeling sick, being sick, and dealing with doctors who charged for services that left me the same. I am that woman. Many times shunned, not popular, not heard or seen unless the focus was on my faults, my mistakes, and my dark moods. I am that woman. Stranded on the sidelines while everyone else gathered in the crowd. I waited to join, wanted to join, but the invitation never came. It still has not come. It might never arrive. I am that woman. Tired. Exhausted. Begging to be loved. Longing to be part of their moment and their laughter but only able to listen from afar.
I am that woman that has been left out in the dark, out in the night, because the doors were closed and I could not enter.
I am that woman. The one that was not clean. The one who was not properly dressed. The one with the dirty clothes. The one with the rags. The one without the name brand labels. Not good enough. I am that woman. The one that got tired of being left out and I wanted to die. I wanted to give up. I am the woman that saw from afar and heard from the distance. Oh, if only it were true that someone, anyone could actually love me, care about what I am feeling and what I am thinking? But, I was tired. Too tired. I was done. I was exhausted of trying and planning.
My heart was beyond hurting. The expectation of anything good coming my way had dried up and my heart no longer believed. For a long time, I was that woman, living only because my heart refused to stop beating, living only because the sun was up and out and I found myself feeling the warmth of a sun that mocked me. But, I saw from within the shadows and I heard of Him from outside the gates. If only... If only I could get close enough to... Could I dare say His Name? Did I have the courage to say, "Excuse me, do you have a minute of your time to spare to just hear me out because I am sort of at the end of my rope here..." Could I have the strength to walk, walk close enough to join the multitude that surrounds Him as He walks. Oh, but my feet are blistered and my clothes will let everyone know I am that woman, the outcast. I am that woman that everyone knows, "She is not whole." "She cannot be loved." "Stay away from her." I tell myself, "You got this." One last time, I dare to hope. Believe. One more moment in this wretched existence I have to dare and hope that the God of heaven can hear the whispers in my heart because if I try to speak them, the cries I have been keeping inside for so long will break forth and everyone will hear my ache, the sobs, the cry I can no longer hide. If only... If only I could... I fall to the ground. The crowd is too great. I try to rise and walk but they push me down. They know who I am and are trying to push me back out and away. I push myself up and take a deep breath. I am...
I am that woman... I have no choice but to be the one who is going to get to Him if all I can do is just... If I could only but touch... Touch the hem of His garment. The garments that cover the holy one, the healer, the deliverer, the One who has come to set the captives free. Oh, if I could only touch one of the threads at the end of his garment, the tip of a thread that moves as he walks in the crowd. I focus. I stretch forth my hand and do not care that the men push me with their might. I cannot fight them but I will reach out through the bodies that deny me the right to press in and follow. I reach and then force my fingers to move as if I am a dried up desert and He is that last drop of water. Oh, I reach out and believe that if I could just touch Him, I might, perhaps I could, no, I shall be healed and be made whole. Reaching out my hands make it to the fabric that covers the Healer.
Jesus, it is me. Heal me. Make me whole. Hear what is in my heart because I am too afraid to speak and reveal my secret here in the crowd. I reach out, I touch Him and the world around me stops. "Who touched me?" I hear His voice but I am too wrapped up in the power that is moving inside of my body, my heart and my mind. The pain exits. Strength grips me all over. I am filled with a love I have not felt in ages. Jesus stops and asks. "Who touched me?"
Jesus calls me out with his eyes and invites me to come near while everyone else around Him is trying to figure out what is happening. But I know and Jesus knows the miracle has happened. I am not that broken and dying woman from a few seconds ago. I have been healed. He turns around and looks at me, with love, with a smile that says, "Yes! I was waiting for you to reach out and take hold of your miracle!" "Yes! I was in front of you but I was walking slow enough to let you catch up to me and be able to grab a hold of me." And there, like a child that has been caught with their hand in the cookie jar, I confess that it was I who touched him. The crowd is dignified. "What?" "How dare she!" "Oh!" Their voices fade and life stands still as I am in the powerful presence of my Healer, the One who sees me, my Redeemer and the God who loves me.
Jesus smiles. "Daughter, your faith has made you whole. Go in peace.You are whole from the plague. Your sickness is gone. Your faith, your courage to take hold of me, has given you a new start on life." I am that woman. I am that woman that dared to reach out to Jesus. I am the woman that was pushed, shoved, scorned, and ridiculed.
But, I believed. I dared to hope. I am renewed. Restored. Healed and made whole. I am that broken woman. I am she that was forgotten and forsaken. I am the one who was counted as non-existing and society had shut me out. Oh, but look what Jesus has done. He has restored me and made me whole and I can live again. I belong again. I exist again. I am the woman with the issue of blood that was healed because I touched the hem of His garment. Are you that woman, also? Biblical Story of this Woman I would love to hear your thoughts. God bless you.

"Oh, How God Loves You!"

I've had the beautiful opportunity to speak to some amazing women. They are strong leaders, devoted mothers, and powerful in every sense of the word. These wonderful ladies also have a burden they carry and a pain they hide. Under the makeup, and hidden behind their accomplishments, remains a sort of memo in the back of their minds, deep in the memories they would rather forget. I have sat with these ladies, young and old, and their stories are the same. Somehow, life happened and they came to a decision of having an abortion. Your eyebrows go up and you exclaim, "How horrible!" And yes, abortion is not the kind of story we highlight and put up in our living room wall. Abortion is not the word we want to sound out, because even saying the word, for many women, it is a reminder that somewhere in their life, in the midst of all the good they have experienced, this dark memory lingers. I have chosen to share their stories because I strongly feel that believers have failed to address the trauma and the hurt so many of these women live with. We are quick to judge, speak against, and condemn those who practice ending a life. We get in their faces and call them killers and murderers. Our anger and our self-righteousness make us judge and jury. Our words condemn them to an eternal hell and assure them it is impossible this choice will ever be forgotten.
To the woman who feels guilty, who lives believing she is forever condemned because of the abortions she had gone through, I ask you to believe God loves you. I pray God's peace over your life and I pray that you will open your heart to believe and accept His love. He has given His life for you and me so that no matter what we have done, big or small, we have forgiveness, and acceptance in His loving arms. And to the woman who has had abortions and feels she has done no wrong, I still love you. I still wish you could discover the beautiful life the Lord has for you. I believe the Lord invites us all to come and see, come and discover His goodness, His love, and His presence. It's in His presence we can see our hearts and our need for Him. But, I leave it there because I am writing to the woman who carries this huge weight in her heart and feels like she cannot breathe. I write to the woman who is hurting because of her choice. Bring it all and leave it all at the feet of Jesus. Do not hear the voices condemning you. Do not listen to the screams and the shouts of those who think they are yelling in God's name. Listen to the soft whisper of Holy Spirit calling you to come away and be made whole. Whom the Son sets free is free indeed. Oh, to experience the joy of God's presence when we realize He loves us. He loves YOU!
To the woman living with shame and regret, believing you are unworthy of love, I speak rain showers of God's love over your life. I pray an abundance of God's presence to pour into your life today, if you choose to close the umbrella you have held for so long. Walk into the showers of His Love. Oh, God loves you so much. To the woman who says she is cursed of God and that everything that has gone wrong in her life is God's hand of punishment over her, I ask you to come to a stop. Stop. About face. U-Turn and start over. God will not push you away. God is not looking to curse your life but to bless you. God does not desire for you to walk imprisoned.
I am for life, abundant life. I do not believe abortion is the right choice for anyone. Regardless of where you stand on this issue, I am your sister and your friend. I say, "Sorry." for every time you have needed my love and my time, and perhaps I kept you away with my words and my actions. "Forgive me." But, if you have ever made that your choice, and if you feel like the doors of heaven are closed for you, my dear sister, God invites you in today. Will you believe that you are good enough, beautiful enough and worthy enough to be loved and accepted by our Heavenly Father? You are loved. You have worth.
So, what do you do now? Do you find a priest to confess to? Do you go to a church and tell your story? Your story is between you and the Lord and only the Lord can tell you if and when you should share it. If the Lord has shed his marvelous in your heart and the darkness has been blown away, then rejoice and bask in his love. If you have been forgiven and you have a new start, you have given God permission to re-write your life's story. A new story, my sister. If you tell the world about it or not, that is your decision, your choice to tell. Some stories, some traumas, and many difficult moments in our life become our testimony to share with others. But, there are also stories that we cry out to the Lord and it remains in the intimacy of our prayer closet, in the tears we pour out into the hands of our Savior. Once more, the choice is yours.
I would love to hear from you. Should you wish to leave a comment, I promise to respond. May you always know that there is nothing too big, too horrible, or too deplorable to bring to God. He loves you. End of story. You are loved! He offers a new start. I pray today, your new life has just begun.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Even When Someone Is Different

So the King sent for those who claimed to get knowledge by using magic He also sent for those who praicticed evil magic and those who studied the heavens. He wanted them to tell him what he had dreamed. They came in and stood in front of the king. (Daniel 2:2) I read an interesting true article yesterday. It was about the great injustices being done to Christians.In my not very educated opinion in worldly matters, I think believers can sometimes imitate the world in going to the extremes to express what they believe in. The article went on to explain how this family is standing up for Christ and in doing so, how their livelihood has been hurt, their battle in court, and all that they have endured because they will not back down from their faith in the Lord and in scriptures. It also explained what this family believes and how they have taken what they believed and made it very loud in their workplaces. Thus, in refusing to give in to a worldly request that compromised what they believed, they said, "No." and this has made it so that they are losing whatever they have not lost already. It is a picture of someone who is believing God's justice will prevail. I believe God's justice and righteousness always wins. I also believe that there is a way to stand for what we believe without having to shun those who believe differently than we do. This world is made up of all kinds of people who are all different. Put a group of Christians in a room, and you will quickly discover how diverse and particular each one is. Our agreement on Jesus being the Savior and the Bible being God's Word to us does not guarantee that we are all in the same mindframe or feel the same about most things. Now imagine being in the workplace where people come from different cultures, languages, different upbringing and life experiences. We work with a mix of people who might share a Christian's perspective, while there may also some who hate what we stand for. Some were raised with a different religion or belief while another does not believe in anything or anyone at all. This article made me want to look for something in Daniel, so I went to Daniel, chapter 1 and started again, in the beginning. I read all that happens when the King of Babylon comes to Jerusalem. (Daniel 1) He decides he wants the creme de la creme, the best of the Israelites, nobles and men from the royal families, healthy, handsome and the best educated men to become part of his, shall I say, round table or group of wise leaders of the time.
If you want to know the story, you'll have to go read the book of Daniel and start at the beginning. For me, I want to share what stood out to me in this story. You see, the King here has a dream, a nightmare and he sends for all the wise men, all kinds of men who practice all kinds of magic, study the heavens, and have all these beliefs and systems in place that give them the answers to help the king. All the wise men were called for except the childreno f God. The Israelites were left to sleep. Daniel and his buddies were not told to come and try to help the King. The King wants them to not only interpret his dream, but also tell him what he dreamed. You know the story. Of course, no one can enter the King's mind so these men, even with all their sorcery, all their abilities into the dark magics and all forms of wisdom, they still cannot do so. "Off with their heads!" You find the King responding here as the Queen of Hearts in Alice in Wonderland. He orders for them to all be killed. How unfair this verdict, this order to kill all the wise men was. You see, Daniel and his crew were asleep, but they were included in the death proclamation. They were going to pay for being part of the wise men. Even though they did not practice divination, black magic, or the study of the stars, they would perish just like them because they were also part of the King's counsel. Daniel gets wind through Arioch, the commader of the King's guard in Daniel 2:14. All the wise men were to be put to death. Daniel rises and is shocked with the news but he does not lose heart. He calls for a revision of the plan and asks for an audience with the King. Before going to the King, he does something very familiar to what Esther does before going to the King with her heart's plea. Daniel starts a prayer circle because all of their lives are ready to end. He believed they had a purpose to be there, to be alive and be places where they had been placed. Daniel knew that even though they were not where they wanted to be, God had allowed for them to be chosen and transported to live and work in the King's palace for a special purpose. They did not go around telling everyone what to do or not to do. They did not proclaim who they believed in and instead they lived with their life showcasing the God of Heavens in their daily walk. During the night (Daniel 2:19) God reveals everything to Daniel. God shows Daniel the King's dream and the dream's meaning. The Lord of the Heavens explains to Daniel the future events and how this dream is a warning, a way to prepare to face their tomorrows when famine comes, because it was on its way. But, that is not where my focus is as I write. What I really wanted to share with you was this gem that I found while I read. Daniel 2:18 shows that Daniel determines to not only pray for themselves as believers of Adonai, but he was going to call upon God's throne and mercy for his life and the life of Babylon's other wise men. Daniel's, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego went on storming the heavens for revelation and mercy. Their heart's cry was not just for themselves, but for those who did not believe in the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Their prayer was not just for their safety and to have their lives spared. Their cries unto the Creator of the Universe included those who spoke against them, ridiculed them, and practiced all the dark rituals the Bible tells believers not to do. Daniel and his buddies asked the Lord to help them but in helping them, the life spared would not just be their lives. They implored the Lord for wisdom and insight, so that the lives of all would be spared when the Lord, and Him alone received the glory, all the glory for their second chance. And, here is where I want to leave my mark. We want the world to know what we believe and what we think. We stand with the groups and we bombard the world with our signs and our chants. Believers take a stand and say they will not and cannot participate in helping the world with their celebrations, their choices, and their daily ways. What if? What if God can use us as we just do what we are gifted to do? What if we see ourselves as working in the Babylonian King's palace and we are commanded to cook something, make certain special clothing, set up the palace for an event, learn all their ways, or sing a song for this godless King? What if we are not asked, but told to do the very things we don't want to do? The only time I see the children of God take a stand is when they refust to bow down when the music is played. This was a direct order to worship an idol, to worship a man who wanted to feel like the Creator of the World. I also would do the same in this instance. But, in every other area, would I draw, cook, or do certain things if I was commanded to serve this King? I believe that unless the order totally and completely violated my walk in the Lord, I would give the King what had been requested.
You might say but what if it was an improper dance, or painting or sculpture? Yes, if it completely went against what honors Yeshua, then I could not, would not comply. But, if it is something simple, something from everyday life that I can provide as a service to someone with love, even when I disagree with their lifestyle choices, I would pray and ask the Lord to help me honor Him as I served these persons who did not love Him the way I do. I would pray for the Lord to make Himself known to the persons I am providing a service to so that their eyes may be opened. I would pray that they would see Jesus in my life and that their life would be touched and their hard hearts softened and opened to the Gospel of peace and God's love. I would pray over my food, my pastries, my clothing, my artwork, and everything I produce as my income, that it can be used by everyone and that the Lord would minister to those who do not want Him, do not care for His Word, and hate His ways and decrees. I would pray for their life to be spared just as I pray for my life to be spared. When we ask the Lord to give life to others, not just to those we love, we extend the Truth of God's love to people who do not care for God's mercy but need it. We grab the offenders, the sinners, and the lost and place them under our umbrella when tragedy rains because it rains upon us all. Sickness does not just come for one group of people or believers. It touches the bodies of all, young and old, Christian or not. Heartache, Job loss, financial hardship, family problems and the list of painful and depressing situations comes for all who breathe, all who walk on this earth. As we pray for the Lord to pour out healing and to see a breakthrough in our family, in our life, we should pray for others who need the Life of God in their lungs. That's it. This is what I wanted to share. Pray for others like their life matters and depends on it, just as our does. Just as our children matter, someone else's child matters. May our workplace not be a place where our voices are loud about our faith, but where our walk and our silence speaks. May our actions lead others to wanting to know the Lord. May our prayers extend to those who hate what we stand for. May our actions show how real and awesome God is in our life. May the Lord provide moments to share the joy and the hope that is within us with those we work with daily. May the Lord grant us favor with those who hate God, with people who live completely contrary to how we live, and may the Lord give us an audience with those who walk in darkness. May our cry for life be heard and may our cries lead others to life in Christ. Amen. I'd love to know your thoughts on what I've shared. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

Friday, July 29, 2022

The God who Cares

The more each day passes by, no matter how dreary or filled with difficulties, I am daily reminded and assured that God is a God that cares. He cares for us. He cares about us. He cares about our today and our future. Even when the world has gone and done us wrong, God cares about our hearts. He provides a soothing balm that comes when we have been hurt or betrayed. When life hits us with one more hard moment, God is with us, by our side, and present in a way that is hard to explain. But, He is there. Maybe you have not heard His voice calming you and reminding you that He loves you. Perhaps you have felt that just when things couldn't get any worse, something more painful and harder falls on your lap. "Where are You, Lord?" You ask but you also demand. We almost sound like Lazarus' sister getting ready to say what He already knows. "Lord, if, if, if you had been here...If you had shown up on time, If you had come through, If you had healed... Then, he would not have died."
We question because we are disappointed. In our pain we fail to see that we are still walking and carrying through with a strength we cannot comprehend. The evidence that we are not forsaken lies in the reality that we can still get up and push through, even when all we really want is for someont to leave us alone. Turn off the lights, shut the door, and let me die. We want to be left alone. But, not really. We want the Lord to show up and perform the miracle we prayed for. "Lord, if... If only you had been here this would not be hurting so much. If you had showed up, this accident would not have happened. If you had said the words, healing would have taken place. Lord, if you were who you say you are, then life would have more power over death." We say things without thinking when we are hurting. God is life and He reigns powerfully over death. Death has no power over Life. It's not a race issue or an issue of where we stand economically. It's not about the color of our skin or what our political stand. It's a heart that needs to be reminded, you are loved, God cares. He cares for you. God's will is His final word even if we do not want to accept it or agree with it. He has the final say, the last call, and the ultimate decision. We are clay in His hands. We are His. And, if we are truly His, then we attempt to hear His voice singing over us when our hearts are bleeding. If we belong to Him then we feel His arms hold us tight when the ache is so strong and sometimes, only tears and soft whimpers come through. If we have truly chosen to belong to Him, then, we will lay our head on His chest, near His heart, and hear the heartbeat that says over and over again, "I love you! I love you! I have loved you with an everlasting love!" I'd love to pray with you, for you, or just listen or read what you write. God bless you, today and always. Hugs and love to all.

Friday, July 15, 2022

Be Bold!

I want to say that I have always been bold. I would be lying. My courage has always been enclosed in a chrysallis that has remained unchangeable, holding me hostage for a duration of years. Yup, that's why there are no butterfly wings on me. It doesn't me I completely failed to metarmorphosized, it just didn't happen overnight. I had to go through a lot of life moments to one day just blurt it out and say, "I am going to do this, whatever this is, even if it kills me." Seriously, I thought I would die, too. But, alas, here I am, living and breathing, but no longer afraid that my world will come crashing down if I dard to accept a challenge, do what I love, or try something new. The choice to be bold came with a price. Sweaty palms, a frozen mouth, feet unable to move, and words that refused to come out when I stared into the crowd. The headache and the sick feeling in my stomach were all signs that I wanted to run away, but I pushed myself and stuck it out, standing there, unable to utter anything intelligent. Thank God for next time, because I swore that next time I would not faint, I would not freeze up, and even if I spilled my guts out in front of the entire group, I was going to be bold and just do it. Being bold didn't happen overnight. I swear I wanted to be more courageous but it was ever so difficult. I was not shy about some things, like helping my mom or doing something for others. It was that moment of speaking before a group, acting out before a group, or making a friend that terrified me. I felt unable and that the effort would not be worth it. Then, I found words that changed my entire demeanor. I began to read a Bible that I had and I could not put it down. For a few years, I read and accepted it all as something amazing and that the stories were encouraging. But, it wasn't until later on in my teens when I understood that the God of the Bible had a plan for my life, and wanted to connect with me, that the words truly began to make sense.
I wanted to succeed in school. I wanted to write. I wanted to dance and sing and heck, I wanted to be able to not faint at the thought of speaking in front of a group! I wanted to be a teacher and all these fears of not being good enough or smart enough were holding me back. Then, I read the scriptures and it was as if someone was inside of my heart and knew exactly what I was struggling with. The fear of not belonging, not being accepted, not being heard, and not being good enough to make it through an audition or an interview. The question was loud and clear. "Have I not commanded you?" This was an order. The God who said He loved me and had created me with purpose chose to speak out, speak loudly into my world of fears and complications. He was asking me to remember all the scriptures I had been reading since childhood. Was I going to have what it took to respond to this question? "Be strong." How could God ask me or tell me to be strong when all I felt was weak in the knees and a stuttering mess? To be strong meant I was going to have to push through all my emotional issues and take a step forward.God was not asking me. He was directing me to be strong. Strong- secure, indestructable, impenetrable, tough, resistant, resilient, long-lasting and enduring. But, not just be strong. "Be strong and courageous." The joke seemed to be on me because I rarely had the guts to believe I could say anything worth lifting up your head to listen to. The words were clear. courageous- bravery, plucky, fearless, valor, lion hearted, bold, daredevil, adventurous, audacious, unflinching, unafraid, spirited, resolute, gutsy, spunky, determined, and ballsy. I was being told to be bold and put in practice the art of good courage. To me I interpreted this as teh courage do to do what was right, even if not everyone saw it for something good, but I was going to do it. I took the dreams in my heart, the assignments I had, the things I wanted to do and what I had to do and I chose to believe the scriptures concering everything I did in my life after learning the command of this verse to my life. I chose to not be afraid or dismayed. No matter if I was terrified of the outcome, of what others would think about me, or the consequences. I would be the opposite of fearless and dismayed. I would be bold and brave. I would put aside that nervous feeling that came, and even if I was shaking inside, I would take the next step forward and not be dismayed. How could I do what seemed impossible? How could I audition in front of trained artists? How could I preach in the streets? How could I talk about Jesus and attempt to teach the scriptures to those who had been raised in church and had gone to Bible school? How could I share my presentation in college and speak in front of a group of students? How would I get through an interview without dying a million times and then some more times afterwards? "For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." When these words, that the Lord my God was going to show up and be with me wherever I went, this became the game changer that eradicated my fears and turned me into a crazy girl who was going to be full of the God kind of courage to live her life. I danced away my fears. I sang away my shackles. I spoke outloud and shared my story of redemption just as fearless as I stood in my college classroom and presented the projects given to me alone or in a group. The moment it was engraved in me that God empowers his children to do great things during difficult situations, I knew I had nothing to fear because I would never think I was all alone again. Here I had the Creator of the Universe promising to stand with me in front of a classroom or a church. The Lord was declaring His love for me and walking into an interview with me and filling my heart with courage to speak with confidence and show that I had my stuff together. That is what God does. He gives us the boldness and the courage to face every fear and push through the hard events we prefer would go away. God shows up in the hospital room and says to his children, "Do not be afraid. I am with you. I am here." The Lord shows up in the courtroom and tells his children,"Be strong and of good courage, do not be dismayed because you are not going through the motions alone. I am right besides you. Look and see." The Lord is present when all hell breaks lose in a family gathering and there are misunderstandings and hurtful words exchanged. God reminds us to not be afriad to speak, Be of good courage to be a peacemaker, to forgive and fix the situation. God is with us there to help us through every battle and every challenge. God walks with us when we are pacing in the emergency room hallway and cannot even pray. His word tells us to remember his commands. The King of Kings, the One with all authority and power is telling us to not squirm or be wimpy. Do not shrink back. Do not fall apart. Do not speak negatively. Just believe. Believe you have what you need to face this difficult moment. The NIV translation says, "Do not be discouraged." My friend, do not quit. Do not give up hoping and trusting the Lord because God is not abandoning you when you have a hard time to do something hard. Believe. Today, I am not that child, teen, or young adult afraid to do what God placed in my heart to do. Today, I just do what I have to do because I live with the assurance that God accompanies me and helps me in everything I do. He can do the same for you but you are going to have to trust Him. You are going to have to be ballsy and gutsy and speak with confidence that God has your back. We are not alone. Will you believe that the Mighty God says He is going to be with you, He is going to go with us wherever we go. Wherever you go. I put my hope in the One that says He is with me. Might you consider doing the same? I am not saying life is not going to disappoint, or that it would hurt. I cannot promise that sometimes things just do not happen as we wish. But, whether life is going well, or the walls around us are falling apart, we have the promise that in the midst of the joy and the sorrow, wherever we go, God, El Shaddai, is with us. I'd love to know your thoughts. If you share with me, I will always respond. God loves you. God bless.